International Popular Science Conference "Twin monasteries - Węgrów a…

On October 17, 2022, an international conference was held at the monastery in Wegrów at the end of the project implemented under the Cross-border Cooperation Program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020.…

Conference at the end of the project

Next Monday, October 17, we invite you to the monastery in Węgrów for a conference summarizing the over two-year partnership between Poland and Ukraine, between the former monastery parish in Węgrów …

Opening of the Center for Dialogue of Cultures

On June 2, 2022, the former monastery building of the Reformati Friars at the Roman Catholic Parish of St. Peter of Alcantara and St. Anthony of Padua hosted the dedication and commissioning ceremon…

The route "The Former Reformati Order's Monasteries"

As part of the project, the "The Former Reformati Order's Monasteries" guide was created, which includes the former monasteries of the Reformed Franciscans, located between Węgrów in Poland and Rawa …

Folder about the monastery in Węgrów

As part of the project, a folder about the monastery in Węgrów was created. We encourage you to download and share with others who might be interested. Folder about the monastery in Węgrów Public …

The relics were introduced into the monastery in Węgrów by Archbishop…

The 100th birthday anniversary of St. John Paul II gave the opportunity to hand over the relics of the Holy Father to the Monastery of Sts. Peter of Alcantara and Anthony of Padua in Węgrów, on July …

Twin Monasteries

The monastery in Węgrów, founded by Jan Dobrogost Krasiński, was designed, built and decorated by artists of King Jan III Sobieski's court: Tylman of Gamaren, Carl Cerroni, Michelangelo Palloni - in …

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The Former Reformati Order’s Monasteries Route

The Monastery in Węgrów

The Monastery in Rawa Ruska

Public procurement

This website was created and maintained thanks to financial support of the European Union. The sole responsibility for its content rests with the Roman Catholic parish of Saints Peter of Alcantara and Anthony of Padua in Węgrów and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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